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Guide to Employee Competence Manager


This information guide will assist the user with creating, managing and editing employee competence trackers, and their rules, on Safety 360 Elite.

To manage employees’ competencies on the system, the following must be in place:

  • Active Safety 360 Elite Full or Lite system.
  • Employees loaded to system
  • HSE Roles Assigned to employees
  • Permission to access Employee Data

Only control users or department managers/assistant can load, create, manage/edit Employees.

Employee Competence Manager process on Safety 360 Elite comprises of the following steps:

  1. Competence Manage
  2. Competence Group Manage
  3. Competence Report

Competence Manager

Competence Manager can be found on the left navigation pane under System tab on Safety 360 Elite as shown below in RED:

Here you will find Competence Manage (Step 1), Competence Group Manage (Step 2) and Competence Report (Step 3)

The following Cards are available:


This is where you will build Competencies to be managed, these are based on assigned HSE Roles. (Step 1)


Here you can build your own Groups of HSE Roles. This allows a custom name that includes multiple HSE Roles. (Step 2) – can be skipped



Competence Report shows you compliance to your Competencies. This also acts as Skills/Training Matrix (Step 3)

Add Competence File

To set up your Employee Competence, from the main Feature page click the Competence Manage card as shown in RED below.

This will take to the Competencies modal. From there Click the GREEN highlighted icon below to start creating Competence Tracker.

The next screen will require choosing main HSE Role to link Competence Tracker, as well as Main competence file required.

You can add additional required files, or alternate files, going forward.

Add New main Competence File

After this you will be taken back to main page, but now your Entry will have a line item. For our demo we built a Competence Tracker based on the HSE Role: Risk Assessor and we added Risk Assessor training as initial required file type.

You can click the GREEN Icon to create another Competence Tracker, or click the Line Item to open Competence tracker, and add alternate files.

Inside our newly created Risk Assessor Competence Tracker we will find Initial Required File as well as ability to add more required files and alternate files.

Required Files form an AND link. If you add multiple Required Files, it means you will need to have all of those files in order to comply. This AND that AND something else.

Alternate Files create an OR link. Instead of just looking to Risk Assessor training, we can expand that to to also look for HIRA Training / Nebosh / Diploma etc. This OR that OR something else, instead of just 1.

From the below example we can see there are 4 Competency requirements added, these are all mandatory:

To be compliant you must have Risk Assessor AND Annual Medical AND Code B license AND Legal Liability

Add Alternate File

From the main page you can also add Alternate files, these build OR type requirements within a competence tracking group.

You can click the line item to add New Alternate File to Competence tracker.

Let’s use the code B License as example; some users will have code B, others might have code E, C or EC. If the system only looks for code B the other users would be excluded and deemed Non-Compliant.

For this reason, we allow you to set Alternate Files. The requirement is Code B, but we will also accept Code E, C or whichever alternate file is acceptable.

To do this you can click the line item to add New Alternate File to Competence tracker.

This will open the Manage Competence For File Page, in our demo for Code B.

You can click Update Alternative Files as shown below:

Select Alternative File Types modal allows you to add all alternate files that satisfies the requirements.

You can add as many alternate files as is required:




Once completed your Competence Tracker will show required files (AND) in green and alternate files (OR) in red.

Manage Competence Tracker

The RED Bin icon will delete the entire Competence Tracker, the GREEN icon allows you to add additional required files (AND files).

Competence Tracker Information

It is recommended to ensure all key System Roles have Competency Trackers built. These include:

  • Risk Assessor
  • Incident Investigator
  • Driver
  • Working at Heights HSE Roles
  • NCR Coordinator
  • SHE Reps

To name a view. There are a total 121 HSE roles to choose from under 3 categories


There are 2 relationships when building Competence Trackers:

AND files  – All AND files are mandatory, they have to be in place.
OR   files  – These are alternate files, looking for more that 1 option.

It is advised to build Competence Trackers for any HSE role that requires specific competence as per OHS Act and Regulations. These can include, but not limited to:

  • Risk Assessor
  • Incident Investigator
  • Drivers
  • Working @ Heights team members
  • Electricians
  • Non-Conformance Manager/Assistants

Remember to add all Alternate files. This is a great way to check for multiple types.

Competence Group Manage

Employees Competence Group Manage from the main Competence Manage page as shown in RED below:

This allows you to Manage your companies group competence.

To start, click the Add A New Competence Group icon show in RED below:

Give your group a name and select the required roles to be included. You do this by clicking on Built Competence Roles box. This will show all the items you built in First step of this guide.

The completed group will show as line item on main Competence Group Manage page. We used Team Leader as our example as shown below.

You can click the GREEN icon shown above to create a new group, or click the line item to open existing group.


Competence Group Manage allows you to set your own heading to a system HSE Role.

It also allows you to group multiple roles together.

Competence Report

Competence Report can be found on the main Competence Manage page, as shown below in RED:

This will open the Competence Report page where you can select either a single Role (Step 1) or Group (Step 2).

The goal is to measure employee compliance against single role or group.

We can see the following to option to report on:

Clicking on either will start the Report process. Safety 360 Elite will now run through your Employee Management platform and show all employees with the HSE Roles you used when building the trackers.

The Competence Report will display as follow:

Competence Report show compliance to your rule sets, either single Role or Group.

This feature fulfills the role of Competence Tracker – who is competent and who is not, but also works great for your Skills Matrix and Competence Gap Analysis.

Use this tool to ensure all Employees are competent for their allocated roles, and also to fill the missing pieces of your skills matrix.

Rules and Troubleshooting

Only control users, department managers/assistant or users with the Employee Coordinator hse role can load, create, manage/edit Employees.

This means only these users can correct any shortfalls in your Competence Manager.

You cannot create your own HSE Roles, but you can create your own Competence Group tracker using the systems roles under your heading. This tool also allows you to select multiple hse roles under a single heading.

It is advised to conduct regular maintenance on your Employee Management to ensure all permissions and requirements are valid and up to date.



Employee Competence Manager aims to assist system you with identifying and managing gaps in Employee Competence.

Real time data for real time decisions.


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