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File Manager


This information guide will assist users with use, managing/editing contents and access management of the Integrated Management System (IMS) called File Manager on Safety 360 Elite.

Strict parameters are set in place to protect the information contained in the IMS, in adherence to the Protection of Personal Information Act.

  • Control users can manage/edit in the IMS by default.
  • Users with specific Folder Permissions and Roles will have access to manage the documents contained in the IMS as specified by Control user.

This guide will go through the following options:

  1. File Manager
  2. Structure
  3. Upload
  4. Management of Files
  5. Permissions
  6. Search 
  7. Filter
  8. Archive Manager
  9. Expiring files
  10. Storage Status
  11. Rules to Remember


The purpose of the IMS is to have a centralised and organised reference point for all documents that will be used. 

It is recommended to store ALL documents and data files to the IMS first, then import them to your Safety File(s).

Documents imported from IMS are reference links rather than standalone copies.

This means that managing or replacing the document in IMS will affect all files it is linked to, eliminating the need to locate and manage individual copies.

File Manager

Everything loaded to or created on the Safety 360 Elite system will be stored in the Integrated Management System (IMS) called File Manager.

Click File Manager on the left navigation pane to find the following options:

  • File Explorer – View your company’s folder structure
  • Archive Manager – View and manage archived files
  • Expiring Files – View lists of expiring files
  • Storage Status – Shows current storage status

File Explorer

Click File Explorer to see the Integrated Management System (IMS) of your Safety 360 Elite system.

We will explore the following aspects of the File Explorer:

  • Structure – The layout and structure of the IMS
  • Upload – Uploading your documents to the IMS
  • Files – Manage the files you have uploaded


The structure of the IMS has been created considering various requirements including ISO45001, ISO9001, as well as various client requirements. Everything loaded to or created on the system will be stored in the IMS.

The system itself also uses and populates the IMS through the various features.

Internal Management System Overview

For every employee you add/upload to the system, the IMS will add a unique folder for that employee with all their relevant documents, ID’s/ Medicals/ Training/  Licenses, pulling through to this folder.

When navigating the File Explorer, you will notice the route directory showing in the top, this will show you the path you have taken and will allow you to return to any previous screen by clicking on the relevant directory.

Integrated Management System Layout

The system uses and populates the IMS through the various features, storing as follows:

It is recommended to upload Employee documents in the Employees system feature. Files uploaded here are not linked to the employee profile but can be linked to the employee through their employee profile.


Loading of files takes place within the initial folder structure of the IMS, click on any folder in the IMS to open to find the Upload File button which opens the Upload File window, for adding files to that specific location.

Note that files cannot be added to the Root directory.

Click and drag multiple documents in the box for upload if they share the same effectiveness dates. You can List effective from and to date for the selected file(s) you want to upload, the later being optional.

Click and drag multiple documents in the box for upload, alternatively you can left click in the box to open OS explorer.

Once you have uploaded all your relevant documents, you will see them in the Files tab as in example below:


Manage uploaded documents in the IMS as well as signed & submitted PDF documents completed in the safety 360 Elite system.

Click on the three dots on the right-hand side which will give you options to:

  • View the document
  • Download the document
  • Edit Info
  • Access the Sharing Center for the document
  • Replace the document
  • Archive
  • View details about the document

Most to all the options listed above depends on Folder Permissions applied to the user.

If a user doesn’t have the required permissions, they won’t be able to access the options.

IMS/ Folder Permissions

Folder permissions can be set in the employee profile by navigating to Employees > Manage.  Search for the employee in question either through the search box or filters and click on the name of the relevant employee to open their profile.

Once inside the employee profile, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the Employee details section.

Ensure that folder permissions are set for each employee based on their authority in the organization by ticking the box next to the applicable folder name.

Click Set Permissions at the bottom of the list to apply changes.

Create New Folder

Control users can create new custom folders inside the Company Specific Operations.

Search Function in File Manager

The search function in File Manager enables you to search the file name of the documents uploaded in the IMS and the file name of documents completed using the system that save in the IMS.


Search for Files

When searching for files you will click the top search box (grey button):

This will bring up the box displayed below: From here you can search by file name or make use of the filters. All found documents will be displayed once you click Search.

Search for Folders

The Search box has tabs at the top, select the Search Folders tab to search for specific folders by name:

Filter Folders

If you’re looking for a specific folder and generally know where it is, you can call it up quickly using the lower search box called Filter folders.

This is a text field where you can simply start typing.

Please note that Filter folder only looks in current folder. Meaning if you are on main page, it will only apply filter to main page, if you open a folder (like Employee Management) it will apply filter in that folder only.

Start your folder filter by navigating to expected directory.

Grid/ List View of File Manager

Toggle between Grid or List view in the IMS using the button next to the Filter folders field.

Archive Manager

This is where all the documents and folders archived from File Explorer will be stored.

To manage  any documents saved in archive manager click on the three dots on the right-hand side which will give you options to:

  • Restore the document (Control Users only)
  • Download the document (pending Folder Permissions)
  • View the details of the document

Archive Manager has tabs at the top, select the Archived Folders tab to search for archived folders. Control users can reinstate archived folders. To remove items in Archive Manager, a request Ticket must be logged.

Please note that documents requested to be deleted from the archive manager cannot be retrieved!

Expiring Files

Expiring Files can be found on the File Manager dashboard.

Once documents loaded to the system with a valid date range specified reach within 30 days of the set expiry date, a new entry will be made in the Expiring Files register. Files that have already expired will also be listed here.

To set up automated notifications, head to the Notification Center to build Expiring Files Notifications.

Contact your designated consultant or to find out how.

Use the filters to display a list of expiring files:

The results will display how long ago a document has expired, or how many days until expiry.

Replace Expiring Files

Select Replace from the 3-dot menu button to access these options.

When selecting to replace the file, set the dates applicable for the new document and select a document to replace the expiring/ expired file from the IMS or your local device’s storage.

Storage Status

Shows the view of the following information:

  • How many files uploaded in the IMS
  • Total  Gigabytes used in  the IMS
  • Total capacity of the  Gigabytes in the IMS

A standard account is provided 3 Gigabytes storage.

Additional storage can be arranged by contacting

Rules To Remember

Control users can manage/edit in the IMS by default.

Standard users with the Employee Controller System Role assigned will be able to access and manage/edit Employee files and folders in the IMS.

Any users with Folder Permissions set will have access to view and make changes to the specified folders.

Note that even if you have loaded the document to the system yourself, if your user doesn’t have the required Folder Permissions and Roles, you will be restricted from accessing or viewing anything contained in the IMS.


File Manager (IMS) is where everything created on and uploaded to the Safety 360 Elite system is stored.

Control users and users with specific Folder Permissions and Roles may manage the documents contained in the IMS.


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