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Guide to set up and manage Sites
This information guide will assist the user with creating, managing/editing and using Safety 360 Elite Sites and Site Access.
To create and manage a Sites on the system the following must be in place:
- Employees created on system
- Employees have user access to system
In this guide to Incident Management, we will look the following steps:
Sites Main Page
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below.
Here you will find the following options.

New Sites
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below. From the main page click the “New Site” button.
The New Site modal will require your input on 3 sections: Details / Location / Region
New Sites – Details
Site Details wants to know the information you will use to identify this Site. It will require a unique Site name (the system will run a check for duplicate names) and an optional Site ID.
Once the Site is created the system will automatically create a unique Site ID. The Optional Site ID input space is if you would like to use the Sites CSV in 3rd party applications that register their own unique ID’s.
For more information on the use of API’s and 3rd Party Applications, please contact your designated Safety 360 Elite Consultant.
New Sites – Location
Here you will add the Site Location information. This is the geographical location of the site and its geofence
To add Site Location, click the “Select Site Location” button shown above. This will open the Google Maps page. Here you have 3 options to add location.
1: Enter a location
2: Use Longs/Lats
3: Place pin on Map
Let’s explore the options
Site location information can be updated through the Manage portal.
New Sites – Location: Enter Location
Option 1: Enter Location will allow you to type a location, the Google Maps API will then run a lookup and bring back listed options.
You can then select the relevant option from the list. We will use Cape Town International Airport as example.
Once an option is selected it will place the pin on the map, add the location info the search bar and the “Use Selected Location” button will be activated in Green as show below.
Once you click the “Use Selected Location” you will have successfully added Location.
New Sites – Location: Longs/Lats
Option 2 allows you to add the Longitude and Latitude information to place a pin on the map.
Once you click the “Use Coordinates” you will have successfully added Location information.
New Sites – Location: Place a Pin
With Option 3 you can simply click the map and click somewhere to place a pin.
Anywhere you left click will place a pin. Once you click the “Use Selected Location”, it will save the location but you will have to manually update information.
When manually adding location pin: the Address/Location will be marked as Unnamed Site by default. The user can manually override this by adding Location name.
Once this is done Location information is captured and stored.
New Sites – Location: Geofence
Using any of the 3 available options will save Location information to your Site. From there we can place an optional Geofence around your Site.
Here you can add the Radius length in Meters to draw a Geofence around your site location to show all Site Tasks completed on this Site. The location longs/lats will be used as centre point
This is not a mandatory requirement and can also be edited later. There is an option under Company Settings to make it mandatory. This option also allows a default to be set on all Sites that don’t currently have a Geofence.
New Sites – Region Select
The final thing to do is the set the Site Region.
Here you will select the relevant Region/Operation/Inspection Area.
Upload Sites
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Upload” button.
Here you can make use of a CSV template to bulk upload Site’s.
The 4 Steps involved are:
- Download the CSV template
- Populate and Upload the CSV template
- Preview data and Import
- Valid Sites will be uploaded
Once you have downloaded the CSV and populated it without changing the template, you can click on 2 Upload CSV to continue.
In Step 3 you can link these Sites to Projects, or to Regions/Operations/Inspections Areas.
When you have completed linking to Projects and/or Regions you can click the “Import” icon.
Step 4 will show you results. We have successfully added 1 new Site
Manage Sites
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Upload” button.
The Manage Sites list is the main card to manage existing Sites. Here you will see a list of all your created Sites, open Site Dashboard to action items, monitor and view Site activity and permits.
The main Sites Register has many filters and options to help you find your required Site.
You can use any of the following options from the main Site Register.
The main Sites Register has many filters and options to help you find your required Site.
Once you have found the Site you want to Manage, click its line item to open the Site Dashboard.
Manage Sites – View Sites Map
Once you have found the Site you want to Manage, click its line item to open the Site Dashboard.
This will open a Map View of all Sites displayed in the list.
Each Pin is a Site, you can click on the pin to open the Site Dashboard.
Sites Dashboard
The Site Dashboard looks like this, and it is broken into 4 sections.
Site Dashboard sections explained below.
Site Dashboard – Info/Details
The Site Information section shows all captured information. Here you can also Archive the Site, activate and manage QR code for Site and update any required information.
The View Site button will show you the Site on a Map including its Geofence.
Site Dashboard – View Site
The View Site modal will open a Map View with your Site marked, as well as its Geofence. Here users can “Navigate” to Site, or “Update Location” of the Site.
Site Dashboard – Navigate to Site
If you click the “Navigate to Site” option; the system will take you to Google Maps with the Site location details preset. You can simply add your current location and start navigation.
Site Dashboard – Info/Details
Archive: This allows you to send Site to Archived list and remove from Main Register.
QR Code: This allows you to activate a QR code for the site. This will show Site info to anyone scanning the QR code.
Sites Inspections
Site Inspections is an action item on Sites. Users can navigate to the site they wish to inspect, open the Site Dashboard and click Site Inspections.
Site Inspections saves as you progress meaning it’s not a 1 time start/stop process. For this reason, you will have option to “View All Site Inspections” which will show ongoing (incomplete) as well as finalised Site Inspections.
To start a new Site Inspection, click the + icon shown above. You will be asked to confirm, please click Yes to continue.
To start the New Site Inspection the user must select the relevant Site Inspection Template (see slide 65). If none have been created, you can use the default option, “No Template”.
Once you have selected your Template and clicked “Select Template”, the Site Inspection will start and show you the Fields to action based on your Template (See Slide 65).
Once this process has started the Site Inspection is saved. You can find saved Incomplete Site Inspections from the Main Site Dashboard.
You can click an Entry to continue where you left off. Once you have completed all the Fields, click the “Validate Inspection” icon at the bottom. If successful you will get the approval message. Click “Complete to Sign and finalize.
Sites Observations
Site Observations is an action item on Sites. Users can navigate to the site they wish to inspect, open the Site Dashboard and click Site Observation.
Site Observations saves as you progress meaning it’s not a 1 time start/stop process. For this reason, you will have option to “View All Site Observations” which will show ongoing (incomplete) as well as finalised Site Observations.
To start a new Site Observation, click the + icon shown above. You will be asked to confirm, please click Yes to continue.
To create a new Site Observation, you would need to add the date, a Contractor/Service Provider and select a Department. Both have options to select from list or manually input Once-Off data.
Clicking on either Contractor or Department will open the relevant modal where you can select from already created list OR add something new.
Once all required input has been added, you will be taken to the Site Observation Dashboard.
Site Observation – Scope of Work
Scope of Work allows you to list site activities. You can either select from already created Scopes of Work, or you can input new data.
To start, click the + icon show above. Next you can either Select, or Add.
Site Observation – Images
If you would like to add any additional media in the form of images or video files, you can make use of the uploader by click the + icon shown below.
Site Observation – Participants
Involved Parties can be added as Leaders or Participants. To start click the + icon.
This will open a page where you can switch between Leader and Participant, as well as Select from existing list or add new.
Observations – Positive
The main purpose of the Site Observation Tool is to capture Observations. Positive Observations can be anything good you found on site. Here you will add Observation, feedback provided, space for additional info as well as a media box for photos/videos.
Observations – Areas of Improvement
Areas of Improvement is used to capture Negative observations. They will be labelled Areas of Improvement in the Observation Register.
Observations – Other
Any Observation that does not fall under Positive or Area of Improvement can be logged as “Other”.
Observation Register
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Non-Conformance portal as shown below. From there click the “Observations” tab to open register.
The Observation Register has filters you can use to find specific Observations. These include By Type, By Status and a Search bar
All your Observations found using Checklist, Forms or Site Observations will be shown here.
You can open an Observation by clicking its line item. This will open the Observation Dashboard.
From the Observation dashboard you can either Escalate the Observation to a Non-Conformance, or Archive the Observation.
Site Projects
Sites is a free-standing feature on the system, but they also interact with other system features. Sites can be grouped together in Project Control. When creating a Project on Safety 360 Elite you can link Sites as well as assign Project and Site Tasks.
If you have gone this route, the Site Projects tab on your Site Dashboard will show all the Projects this Site is linked to. It will also show you all the Tasks linked to the site and where they have been actioned as per your Geofence.
If you have not yet linked any Sites to Projects, and have not set up Site Tasks: your Site Projects tab will be empty like example below.
If you have linked your Site to a Project, the Sites Project tab will display that Project as well as show Task completion.
Clicking on the Project will open the Overview Page. Here you can view all completed Tasks and how far away from Geofence centre point.
The “View Checklist Task Marker” button will show you a map view of Site and where Checklists were actioned in relation to Geofence.
Archived Sites
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Archived” button.
The Archived Sites list will show you all Sites that have been archived. From here a Control User can re-instate them. It’s important to note there is a name check on Sites to ensure no duplicates. This includes Archived Sites.
If you are trying to add a Site but it says the Site already exists, please come and check your Archived Sites list.
Site Inspection Templates
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Sites portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Inspection Templates” button.
Here you can build specific Site Inspection Templates to be used when conducting Site Inspections.
The defaults Site Inspection Template contains the following:
Here in the Inspection Templates section you get to build your own Templates using any combination of the above.
Inspection Templates – Build New
To build a new Site Inspection Template, click the + Icon shown below.
The table below provides some description on the various options.
Inspection Templates – Field Options
Site Infrastructure.
Contractor Required.
Weather Conditions.
Inventory Required.
Supervisor Required.
Team Required.
Scope of Work Required.
Checklist Required.
To start a checklist, click the “Action Checklist” icon, select the relevant checklist and click the line item to action.
Sites aims to assist you with creating, loading, managing and editing/updating Sites and their data digitally
Real time Site data empowers real time decision making
- Manage your sites
- Complete Site Tasks
- Monitor Site Activity