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Legal Register & Risk Assessments Module Resources
This information guide will assist the user with creating, managing/editing and using the Legal Registers and Risk Assessment features on Safety 360 Elite.
Safety 360 Elite is aligned to ISO31000
To create and use a Legal Register and Risk Assessment on the system the following must be in place:
- Employees created on system with user access granted.
- User has the Risk Assessor hse role assigned.
Only users with the role of Risk Assessor can create/manage/edit Risk Assessments.
The Risk Assessment process on Safety 360 Elite comprises of the following steps:
Legal Register
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite, click the Legal Register icon . This will take the user to the main Legal Register page shown below
The Legal Register makes reference to the following legislation:
Legal Compliance Audit
There is also a Legal Compliance Audit template available for use in the Checklist Library. This audit covers the OHS Act and its Regulations and includes all requirements
To find it: Navigate to Checklist -> Build a New Checklist -> Build from Library -> Search “Legal”. Audit can be customized by control user.
Populate Legal Register
The Legal Register forms the basis of Risk Management in Safety 360 Elite. Here the user would select the relative legal legislation that applies to their company as well as the Responsible Person, Applicable Region, and most importantly Controls Implemented.
Use slider to mark as Applicable or Not Applicable.
Click + next to relevant heading to add new item.
All added info can be removed by clicking the X.
These Controls will be used in the Risk Assessment process to quickly pull in required items when adding Legal Reference to your Risk Assessment.
Control Types allow users to assign a heading to the listed control, starting with Opportunity all the way down to PPE.
Here users can mark if listed control is Existing (already in place) or Planned (still to be put in place).
A Description of the control can be entered here.
Once the user has entered all info, click Add to log legislation and info as Applicable to your organisation.
Legal Register Controls
Hierarchy of Controls on Safety 360 Elite Risk Management.
Legal Register PDF
Once the Legal Register has been completed, the legislation selected as Applicable will become available to select as Legal Reference when creating a new risk assessment item.
The completed Legal Register can also be exported to PDF.
PDF will include all selected items with information provided.
Risk Assessment
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite, click the Risk Assessment icon . This will take the user to the main Risk Assessment page shown below
On the Main Risk Assessment page we can find the following Cards:
Here you can build new Baseline/Project/Daily Risk Assessments. This is the creation portal.
Here you can manage existing Risk Assessments. This is the management portal.
All completed and approved Safe Working Procedure’s will be listed here,
This will show all completed Planned Task Observations along with filters for easy management.
Risk Assessments that have been Archived will be displayed here. These can be returned by Control User.
Here you can customize and create unique and specific risk methodologies to be used. There are 3 base options to choose from
Here users will find registers for all Hazards, Risks and Controls listed while creating their risk assessments.
RA Methodologies
Safety 360 Elite has 3 base methodology options to choose from. These can be used as is, or customized through the Methodologies card on main risk page.
New Risk Assessment
By clicking the New Risk Assessment card, users will be taken to the main creation page. Information added here can be updated at a later stage.
Users to complete the details and info of Risk Assessment, Type of Risk Assessment & Methodology Information.
The user can choose between default or custom methodologies. The bottom portion of screen will display methodology info based on selection.
Risk Assessment Types
There are three types of Risk Assessments: Baseline, Project & Daily.
Risk Assessment
Once the user has completed the set-up phase, the risk assessment is stored and can be found under the main Risk Assessment card.
The user will now be taken to the risk builder
Safety 360 Elite Risk Assessment flows Event (Task) -> Risk Source (Hazard) -> Risks & Controls
Adding a new Task (Event).
Here users will start the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment process by adding the Task (Event) up for investigation.
Users can also add a description (optional).
Once added, the task will have a line item which can be expanded by clicking on it.
From here the user can either add the rest of the tasks and then add the next layer, or go directly into Identifying hazards for assessment by expanding the Task and adding Hazard (next slide).
Once that Task line item is expanded it will show the Add Hazards button as seen below:
Users can choose selections based on Methodology of risk assessment.
The risk score will be automatically calculated based on selection.
After adding the Hazard description along with rating selection, the Hazard will be listed with its raw risk score. This Hazard line item can also be expanded to last level where we can add Risks, Controls and Legal References
Raw Risk -> Add Controls -> Update input based on effectiveness of Controls -> Residual Risk.
Once you have identified your Risks and listed your Controls, you can add your Residual Risk. This is the updated score after considering your controls. Remember that ratings will always be A if the worst outcome is possible.
RA Dashboard
The Risk Assessment Dashboard is where users can submit/review risk assessments, view current and previous versions as well as create Safe Working Procedures (SWP).
VIEW → This will show all information currently loaded in risk assessment.
EDIT → Here users can add/remove content of the risk assessment. Users can add Collaborators* that can help them edit and build the risk assessment.
SUBMIT → This will send the risk assessment to all reviewers to view and sign.
REVIEW → This option will be available for all reviewers.
DRAFT → An approved risk assessment must be reverted to Draft before updates/changes can be made.
ARCHIVE → This will send the risk assessment to all Archive list and remove from selection.
VERSIONS→ Will show all pdf versions, indicating latest.
SWP → Here users can create SWP’s linked to Tasks in risk assessment. There is also a freestanding SWP builder.
Risk Assessment Details
This displays all the risk assessment information including Name, Methodology, version and Applicability.
The creator, or Collaborators can click the Pencil icon to update Risk Assessment Details.
By default the creator is the only person able to edit a risk assessment. They can add members under the Collaborators tab shown below. Collaborators can have Edit, Review or Both roles assigned. If a Collaborator has the Review permission, their name will move under Reviewers heading.
All new risks create Non Conformances in Safety 360 Elite. This allows the tracking, monitoring and closure through the Non Conformance tool. If you are building a baseline and would like to bulk close out Non Conformances, click the Icon as shown below.
Click here to open the NCR page, here you can see all NCR’s and by clicking top right Close All, the users can close out all NCR’s.
Safe Working Procedures (SWP)
For creating Safe Working Procedures (SWP’s) on Safety 360 Elite, the user has 2 options:
Through Baseline Assessment
This will create SWP’s linked to specific Tasks (Events) in your assessment. To do this head to risk assessment dashboard and click Safe Working Procedures.
Freestanding SWP
Here the user will type out the Task (Event) and risk details as there is no link to risk assessment. These can be found on the main risk page under the Safe Working Procedures.
How to create a SWP Through Baseline Assessment
On the Risk Assessment Dashboard, click the icon on right that says SWP’s.
This will take the user to SWP Main Page. Here the user can click the + icon to start creation of SWP.
The first page of the SWP Builder will allow the user to add Title, Document Number and Description information. The user also needs to select an SWP Approver, this is the user responsible for Approving the SWP
Only Approved SWP’s will be in circulation.
Similar to the Risk Assessment Dashboard, the SWP Dashboard seen below works in the same way:
Build/Edit -> Submit/Review -> Use Approved.
This displays all the SWP information including Title, Description, Document Number and Approver.
The creator can click the Pencil icon to update SWP Details.
How to create a Freestanding SWP
On the Risk Assessment Dashboard, click the icon on right that says SWP’s. This will take the user to SWP Register.
Here users can view all SWP regardless of where they where created (Assessment VS Freestanding), both will show here.
Users can search with text or filter by Status. Clicking on the + New SWP button will allow the user to build a freestanding SWP.
+ New SWP takes the users to the builder page where they can input Title, Document Number and Description information. The user also needs to select an SWP Approver, this is the user responsible for Approving the SWP
Only Approved SWP’s will be in circulation.
On the SWP Dashboard for both Assessment based and Freestanding SWP’s, users will find the Edit icon shown below.
NOTE: This option will only be available in SWPs that are in Drafting status, approved SWPs need to be reverted to Draft first.
By clicking the edit icon, the user will be taken to the SWP content builder. The Content Builder page will allow users to add content to SWP under the headings shown below.
Users can click the + icon to add information under specific heading.
The Task and Hazards heading will come populated with information if the SWP is assessment based. Users can still add additional information manually.
Once all the content has been added the user can move the Revision phase to get the SWP Approved.
Once a SWP is approved the user will have access to the PDF document on the main SWP Dashboard.
Also available for approved SWP’s are QR Codes and Planned Task Observations.
By clicking the QR Code icon on the SWP Dashboard, the user will be shown the QR Code unique to specific SWP as well as a URL link.
The QR Code can be printed and displayed at high risk areas to ensure employees have quick access to SWP.
Planned Task Observations (PTO)
Planned Task Observations (PTOs) can be conducted on approved SWP’s by clicking the Observation Eye icon (next to the QR code) shown below, and then clicking YES. This will only be available for Approved SWPs.
The PTO process starts by selecting the Observer (user doing the check) and Observee (employee being checked)
The Observer list will only show employees with user access as they need to use system to conduct PTO, Observee list will show all employees.
The content of the PTO will be unavailable until Participants have been selected.
Once Participants have been selected, PTO information will become available.
This will show all the information added in SWP under headings.
Here the Observer will be able to confirm whether the Observee is adhering to the SWP and whether the SWP, ands it requirements, are still valid.
The options for each entry are:
- Complying
- Not Complying
- Not Complying – Change Requested
- Not Applicable
Each Observation can be made using:
Complying →Everything is as it should be
Not Complying →This indicates a problem, the system will generate a NCR
Not Complying Change Required →This logs a change request for Risk Assessor to take action
NA →Excludes specific item from observation
Comments can be optionally added to all selection, but are required for Not Complying items. It is important to remember to Confirm each observation.
Once all required information has been added, the signature options will be available.
There will be green ticks next to Observer and Observee names once all signatures are in place.
Clicking Confirm PTO will also allow the PTO to be confirmed and completed.
Completed PTOs can be found on the main Risk Assessment page.
All completed PTOs will appear on this register and users can use the filters to find specific entries.
Users can filter by:
- Observer
- Observee
Risk Reporting
Under the Left Navigation Pane you will find Reports. Clicking the icon will open the Reports page if the user has the correct hse role (Reports Controller).
If this role is not assigned, the user will not be able to use reports. The report tabs are colour coded for ease of use.
There are currently 4 types of Risk Reports available on Safety 360 Elite:
User : Reports on Risk Assessments by user
Regions : Reports on Risk Assessments by region
SWP’s : Reports on SWPs with number of Observations
PTO’s : Reports on PTOs with number of Observations
These reports also include all the normal Reports filters that can be applied as needed: Date range, Users selection, Regions, Statuses (drafting/approved/rejected).
Risk Registers
Safety 360 Elite Risk Management also includes Risk Registers. These are Registers showing you all the information captured during your Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification process.
On the main Risk Assessment page you will find Registers as the last card. Inside you will find the following:
This will give the user access to Hazard, Risk, Controls and Change Requests Registers:
Hazard → This will show a register of all your identified Hazards (Risk Sources)
Risk → Here you will find all the listed Risks from your assessments
Controls → This will show all Planned/Existing Control measures
Change Requests → Here control Users with Risk Assessor hse role can view all changes requested when doing Planned Task Observations
Clicking on a line item will open the Request page where the user can view current SWP as well as the requested changes.
They can approve/decline the request with a reason.
Rules To Remember
Safety 360 Elite Risk Assessment is aligned to ISO31000
To create and use a Legal Register and Risk Assessment on the system the following must be in place:
- Employees created on system with user access granted.
- User has the Risk Assessor hse role assigned.
Only users with the role of Risk Assessor can create/manage/edit Risk Assessments.
The Risk Assessment process on Safety 360 Elite comprises of the following steps:
1.Populate Legal Register
2.Create and approve Baseline Risk Assessment
3.Create and approve SWP’s and PTO’s
4.Manage Risk NCR’s
5.Create Project or Daily Risk Assessments by copying from Baseline
6.Risk Reporting
7.Risk Management and Registers
Risk Assessment aims to assist system users with identifying, mitigating and managing risks digitally.