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Project Control
This information guide will assist the user with creating, managing/editing and using Safety 360 Elite Project Control.
To create and manage a Project on the system the following must be in place:
- Employees created on system
- Employees have user access to system
- User must have Project Manager HSE Role activated
This guide will go through the following options:
Project Control
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Projects Control portal as shown below.
Here you will find the following options.
New Project
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal, as shown below. From the main page, click the “New Project” button.
The New Project page will require input on Project Name(1) , Regions (2) and dates (3).
The Project Name will be the main identifier. Projects can belong to multiple regions, select all that are applicable. The dates are estimated Start and End dates, with the latter being optional.
Project Dashboard
Once you have clicked “Create” you will be taken to the Project Dashboard. This Dashboard is split into various Sections.
The Project Dashboard is laid out like this. We will cover each of these sections in this guide.
Project Dashboard – Admin
The main Admin cards are explained below.
The Admin section is aimed at YOUR organisation. This is the main heading. Here you can add Sites, Teams, Contractors and Safety Files (This will be YOUR Teams, Contractors and Safety File; the Safety File linked to Your Company).
Project Dashboard – Tasks
Here you set Tasks applicable to the Project. You will have access to the full Task and notifications suite. All Tasks created here will be linked to Project and compliance can be tracked. To add a new Task, click the + icon shown below.
Project Dashboard – Scope of Work
Scope of Works are the rules for a Project. You can select any Scope of Work you built here. This list will be available for Site Scope of Work selection.
The goal here is to add all the types of work that will be done on site that require an Employee Count and Competence check, as well as specific Checklists that needs to be completed for this Job. See Slide 36 on how to build Scope of Works
Project Dashboard – Sites
Here can view all the Sites you added from Admin Section here
You also have ability to add new Sites here by clicking the + icon shown above. Sites can either be Project Site (1) or New Job Site (2). Project Sites are RE-USABLE and New Job Sites are ONCE OFF. You can use the Add all sites from region (3) to bulk import Project Sites.
Project Dashboard – Sites – Project Site
Adding a Project Site will open a search box where you can find already created Sites. For more information on Sites see Sites Guide.
Project Dashboard – Sites – New Job Site
Adding a New Job Site will create a Site EXCLUSIVELY for this Project. This Site cannot be used anywhere else.
Project Dashboard – Teams
This will show Teams you have added from Admin Section in Slide 12. The Project Teams List will be used when linking Site Teams, only Teams that show on Project list can be selected at Site Level. To start click the + icon (1) shown below to add a new Team to this Project.
Project Dashboard – Permits
This is the Permit Register. It will show all Project and Site Permits as well as their Status (Drafting/Activated/Completed/Declined/Revoked/Expired).
All ongoing Permits will show in this Register. You can search by name or status.
Project Dashboard – Contractors
Contractors can be added in 2 ways. 1st is 360Community( 1 – BLUE ) and 2nd is Standard Contractor ( 2 – GREEN ). The + Icon shown below, as well as the + Contractor on Admin Section both refer to 360Community, the BLUE options.
Adding a 360Community Connected Supplier will require Contractor Selection (1) and Safety File Selection (2) (This is the Safety File of the selected Supplier). Only Safety Files that have been shared and are available in the Shared Safety File Register will show here). You will also need to give the Suppliers Project a name (3) and select the start/end dates (4).
The chart below shows how 360Community Suppliers can be actively involved with the Project. .
Permit To Work can only be applied to 360Community Suppliers, either Full or Lite systems.
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Projects” button.
The Projects list will give you a card for each created Project. This is your main Project Register.
You can click the + icon as shown above to create a new Project (1). You can click on a Project Card to open the Project Dashboard (2).
Shared Projects
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Shared Projects” button.
Projects that were not created on your system will be shown here. These are Projects created by other Safety 360 Elite subscribers and shared with you via Connected Companies link.
In the example below we can see a Safety File called: “Master #1” shared with my company from a supplier called Marco QA.
This Register separates files you built from files you did not build.
Permit To Work
You can think of PTW as a Safety Officer Assistant in the system. Its job is to ensure the correct Employees, with the correct Training & Competence, go to the correct Site and complete the correct Checklists.
PTW Focusses on:
- Team Size and Composition
- Team Training and Competence
- Checklists Required for the Scope
The built-in Safety Officer Assistant (PTW) will continually check these requirements as employees go to Site.
Permit To Work is used to monitor Site Compliance, Site Attendance and Site Requirement Validation both internally and externally with 360Community companies. The Diagram below outlines how the PTW starts by using Employees and their data to automate Site Validation.
PTW Process explained in 5 Steps below.
Permit To Work is applicable to your Organisation as well as your Suppliers through 360 Community Contractor Management.
The PTW Process allows you to apply your Rules (Scope of Works) to your 360Community connected suppliers by adding them to the Contractor Tree.
Scope of Work
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Scope of Work” button.
Scope of Work is the Rules engine behind Permit To Work (PTW). Here you can build rules for all the activities you want to monitor on Site. These can be applied internally and externally to connected companies.
The Scope of Work register will be empty by default. You can click the + icon shown above to start adding rules.
Scope of Work rules will focus on 2 aspects: Employee Competence Requirements and Checklist Requirements. What do the people that need to perform an activity require in terms of team composition and competence requirements? And when they perform that activity, what checklists do they need to complete?
The building process will start with a unique Scope of Work name (1). Here you will label the activity. You will also link it to Company Scope of Work type from the dropdown menu (2). This builds a profile of what your company does.
Copy From Existing Scope (3) allows you to make copies of Scopes you have already built. Once you are happy with input, click “Add” to finalise.
Scope of Work – Dashboard
You will now be taken to the Scope of Work Dashboard. This will show you Scope details (1), which you can update at any time, as well as the Scope Requirements (2) and Scope Checklist (3) sections. Here you can find the Scope History log (4) all changes and updates store here.
Scope of Work – Dashboard – Details
The details section will display Scope Name, Minimum Team Size and Scope Type. Here you can also edit these details (1) as well as Archive the entire Scope (2).
Any changes made will display in the History log.
The message above is displayed on Scope Dashboard. This will affect Internal and External Permits. The Permit Controller would need to refresh permit to reaffirm compliance.
Scope of Work – Dashboard – Scope Requirements
Scope Requirements manages Training, Compliance and Appointment requirements of the users on Site. In Slide 38 we added a min Team Size. These Scope Requirements would be applicable to ALL team members.
To start, click the + Icon shown above. This will open the Add Requirement Group box.
Scopes of Work Requirements uses Groups to differentiate between sets of Requirements. Each Group can have multiple different files. Groups have an AND relationship and different Files have an OR relationship. The first step would be creating a Group, giving it a Description (1) setting if Dependent Group (2) exists, if yes which Group. This is also where you set to how many members of the Team this group is applicable too (3).
For our Example we will make Group 1: Medicals, Required by ALL Members. Once completed click Add.
Now you will see the created Group (with CHARCOAL color). There you will find the following options.
For our example, we will add Entry Medicals and Annual Medicals as File Types.
Adding Files (Requirements) to the Group will open a box where you can search for desired file Type.
Once you have added all the Files (Requirements) to the Group they will show below Group Heading.
Group heading in color with Management option, all the Files (Requirements) listed below. You can click the Trash Icon to remove a specific File (Requirement).
You can now repeat these steps to add more Groups. These Groups can include Drivers Licences, Training and Competence (Risk Assessor/First Aider/SHE Rep/Incident Investigator/SASTRAC/SAMTRAC etc) as well as Appointment Documents.
A completed Scope of Work should look something like this.
Here we have multiple Groups covering all our Requirements. These Files (Requirements) can also include Appointment Letters.
Scope of Work – Dashboard – Scope Checklists
Scope Checklists are used to specify which Checklists are mandatory for this Job Type (Scope of Work) You can add any of your created and approved Checklists here.
To start, click the + icon shown above. This will open the Link a Checklist box shown below. From here simply click the Checklist you want to include in this Scope.
Scope of Work – Dashboard – History
The History log will capture any updates, changes, removals and additions to the Scope of Work Dashboard. These entries contain User who made changes, what was changed as well as when it was changes.
Once you have built all your Rules, the Register will look something like this.
You can click any Line Item to open Scope of Work Dashboard.
Permit List
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Permit List” button.
This is the main Permit List; It will show all Project and Site Permits from ALL Projects and Sites. You can Search (1), sort by Region (2), filter by Status (3) and download a CSV (4).
Archived Projects
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click the “Archived Projects” button.
Here you will find all Projects that have been archived. Control users will be able to restore (1) Projects from this list.
Site Access
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page you will see the following.
Site Access is split into 3 sections:
Site Access is used to monitor Site attendance and, in conjunction with Project Control, can monitor Site personnel’s competence requirements through the Permit To Work Process.
My Site Access
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click “My Site Access”.
This will open a Register of all the Sites you can sign into, all the sites you have access to. This register will show both Sites that require a Permit and Non-Permit Sites.
As soon as we link a Site to a Project, and add this user as a Team Member on that site, the page will look like this.
This user is linked to a Site, that is linked to a Project which requires Site Access.
The user can click the “Sign In” option to start capturing Site Access Logs. This specific example is not linked to a Permit, which is why it is listed under the Stand Alone Site Access heading.
Company Site Access
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click “Company Site Access”.
This will show all Sites where access is available. Control users can view Site Access information here.
Clicking “View” will open the Site showing all Access logs for that site.
Site Access Logs
On the left navigation pane of Safety 360 Elite you will find the Project Control portal as shown below. From the main page click “Site Access Logs”.
Site Access Logs allows you to pull records and stats on Site Access. Here you can filter by Project or Site to find information.
Users can also export a pdf (1) or csv file (2) of information.
Project Control aims to assist you with creating, loading, managing and editing/updating Projects and their data digitally.
Real time Project data empowers real time decision making.
- Manage your Sites/Teams/Tasks/Files in one place
- Automated Permit To Work.
- Monitor Site Activity