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Guide to Incident Management
This information guide will assist the user with creating incident reports and the general management of incidents including their investigation.
Any user on safety 360 elite can report incidents.
In order to carry out an incident investigation a user must be allocated the role of “incident investigator” or the “CEO”.
To be informed of any incident on its occurrence the role of “incident coordinator” must be allocated to the relevant user.
Only users with Non-Conformance Manager/Assistant HSE role can use the Non-Conformance Management platform to close out Incident/Accident Non-Conformances.
In this guide to Incident Management, we will look the following steps:
- Employee Roles in Incident Management
- Feature Flowchart
- Incident Management Types
- Incident Management Dashboard
- Creating New Incidents
- Incident – Involving a person
- Incident – Dashboard
- Accident – Involving a Property
- Accident – Dashboard
- Near Miss – Potential Incident or Accident
- Near Miss – Dashboard
- Ad-Hoc Hazard
- Ad-Hoc Hazard – Dashboard
- View Signed Incidents
- View Pending Incidents
- View Archived Incidents
- Incident Investigation
- Incident Investigation Dashboard
- Accident Investigation (VEPI)
- Signed Incident Process
- Injury Management Dashboard
- Non-Conformance Management
- Mobile App
- Troubleshooting
Employee Roles in Incident Management
It is important to note that any user of Safety 360 Elite can report any form of incident as laid out in the system.
“Incident Investigator” : In order to ensure that an incident can be investigated on Safety 360 Elite an Incident investigator must be allocated as a role under employees. The control user needs to identify all trained investigators and allocate the role to them. This can be done under “Employees”. Note also that an incident investigator can only be allocated to an incident when the “report” has been completed and signed. This is allocated at the investigation stage
“Incident coordinator” : Any employee who needs or is required to be informed of an incident or accident that has occurred must be allocated this role of “Incident Coordinator”. This ensures that an email; will be sent to such user informing him or her of the occurrence.
“Non-conformance Manager” : This role needs to be allocated to the person(s) that will be required to ensure that non-conformance can be accordingly allocated and closed off. Note that all incidents and accidents on completion of the investigation will appear in the non-conformance register. All near misses and ad-hoc hazards reported will automatically appear in the non-conformance for investigation and closing off.
“RTW Coordinator” : If the management of injuries is required in the organisation, a RTW Coordinator role needs to be allocated.
Feature Flowchart
The Flow Diagram of Incident Management is shown below .
Incident Management Types
Click on “Incident Management “ on the left-hand toolbar to open the incident dashboard as indicated in the organogram above. There you will see 4 Options: Incident/Accident/Near miss/Ad Hoc hazard.
As can be seen in the above table, four options are available depending on the type of occurrence.
Incident Management
On your system, navigate to “Incident Management” as shown below.
The following Cards are available:
Select this card to create a New Incident or Report an Incident.
All the pending incidents are listed under this card.
When Clicking this card, you can view all the signed Incidents.
Here you will be able to view a list of all the Archived incidents.
Creating New Incidents
From your main Incident Management page, click the Create Incident Report card as shown below.
Incident – Involving a person
Creating a new Incident, involving an injury to a person, you will select the Incident – Involving a Person link.
This will take you to the “Create new Incident” Page.
When selecting “Incident involving a person”, a drop-down open where you can update an existing Incident or create a new one.
We will now work through each aspect of the creation of an incident report. Select the Location icon to start a new Incident involving a Person.
Incident – Location
The Incident Location box requires input on location and date details of the incident. Here you will log the Date, Time, Inspection Area, Street Address, City, and Postal Code.
All Mandatory fields are marked with *
The “Store Incident Location Details” icon will only be activated once all required information has been added.
Once the Location details have been captured, all remaining options will become available.
Incident – Detailed Description
Detailed Description requires Type of Incident selection: Internal/External (contractor) as well as a description of the incident along with actions taken.
The “Store Incident Details” will become available once all required input is received.
Here we need to note that this is a required field, and all the details need to be completed. You have an option to select whether this is an internal incident or involves a contractor. This is in the first block of your selection.
Note that for the contractor to appear as a selection, the contractor must have been loaded into the system.
Also, note there is a 2000-character limit on both the Detailed Description of Incident as well as Actions taken. Should you need to load more information, please make use of the Comment/Supporting Evidence tab.
Once all information has been captured, click the “Store Incident Details” to mark the section as complete and return to the main dashboard.
Incident – Involved Parties
Here you can add all the Involved Parties, everyone that got injured.
You can add involved parties from either your own Employee list, linked Contractors, or Manually added Public Party.
Your employee’s selection will open a dropdown of all your employees listed on Safety 360 Elite.
Search and select employee. You can use the search bar to easily find employees.
After personal information has been confirmed, you would need to complete the Injury Information section.
All mandatory * fields will provide you with drop-down options to select from.
Only available once all fields are complete.
The options below each selectable field are shown on a drop-down list, most are single-selectable.
Once all required information has been added, click the “Add Party Member” button.
This will take you back to the Involved Party loader, where you can proceed to add more Involved Parties or continue to the next step.
You can click the X to remove an erroneous entry.
Contractor and Public Party selections requires the same Injury Information, but first you will need to add personal information.
This information is used for Annexure 1 document.
Incident – Property/Equipment/Other Damage
Involved property, equipment, and other items can be listed here. Click the Add button to start the process.
Please note that this is not a required item and is optional, but at the same time it is highly recommended if applicable.
The first option would be to choose between Internal (your own) and External (someone else’s) items.
The first option would be to choose between Internal (your own) and External (someone else’s) items.
Internal allows you to select from a list of all your loaded inventory items.
External requires you to add information relating to the Item.
- Name of property/ equipment
- Serial number if applicable
You can add multiple items to the list by repeating the steps mentioned.
You can remove erroneous items by clicking the X Icon. Once completed you will be taken back to the Incident Dashboard.
Incident – Comment/Supporting Evidence
To add a Comment or supporting evidence, click the Add icon shown below.
From there choose either an Image or document file to upload as supporting evidence. These files are then added to the final incident investigation that has been completed.
Incident – Additional Information
When selecting “Additional Information” a window will open requiring information on reporting to Workmen’s Compensation and Provincial Director and to the police.
Whether you select Yes or No please note that further information will be required.
This information is self-explanatory.
Once all the required information has been entered the signature will become live for you to sign accordingly.
Incident – Signature
Once all required fields have been completed, you can sign the Incident Report.
As soon as all the fields are completed you can sign the report.
Incident – Dashboard
From the main Incident Dashboard, you can see the Incident Number (1), view Report (2), Open Investigation Dashboard (3), access the Injury Dashboard (4), Revert Accident To Draft (5) and Archive the Accident (6).
Incident Details: this will show basic details about your report. Here you can also access the Report, Investigation Dashboard, Injury Dashboard, revert to Draft for changes and archive the Incident.
All Involved Parties will be displayed here along with injury information.
Involved inventory/equipment and other items will be listed here.
COID and SAPS notification information can be seen here.
A direct link to the Non-Conformance raised by this Incident. Click to open NCR.
View all Incident Documents here. All supporting evidence can be downloaded here.
History log will track and show all activity on this Dashboard.
Accident – Involving a property
If creating a new Accident, and it involves damage to property, you will select the Accident – Involving Property link.
This will take you to the “Create new accident” Page.
The requirements are like logging an Incident – Involving a Person. See slides 8 – 23.
The biggest difference being Involved Parties do not require injury information.
More focus on Property/Equipment/Other Damage.
Accident – Involved Parties
The Involved Parties section under Accident wants to know who was involved in the relevant accident. Here the focus is not on an injury but, on “Involvement”. To start adding involved parties, click the icon shown below.
This will open Involved Party Member box where you can select from Employees, Contractor, or Public Party.
Add Employees will open a dropdown list of all employees loaded on your system.
Contractor and Public Party selection will open the box requiring Information about Party.
All Mandatory * fields are required.
Accident – Property/Equipment/Other Damage
Here you can log all Property, Equipment or any other items involved in an Accident. These would be all damaged/broken items. To start, click add property shown below.
Select whether the item is an Internal or External item.
If Internal (meaning loaded to your system) you can select it from your Inventory item list.
If External, you would need to add the details of the item.
Once all involved Items have been loaded you will see them listed on the Register as shown below.
There is no limit to the number of items that can be added. Once you are satisfied that all items have been added, you can move to the next steps to finalize Accident Report.
Accident – Signature
Once all required fields have been completed, you can sign the Accident Report.
Click to sign.
Accident – Dashboard
From the main Accident Dashboard, you can see the Accident Number (1), view Report (2), Open Investigation Dashboard (3), Revert Accident To Draft (4) and Archive the Accident (5).
Details relating to the Report Overview.
Accident – Dashboard Involved Parties and Items
You will also see Information captured from the original Report including Involved Parties, Involved Items, and Additional Information.
Accident – Dashboard NCR and Documents
The Non-conformance raised section will allow users to easily navigate to the NCR section by clicking the line item.
Here you can also view all documents loaded related to Accident.
Accident – Dashboard History
The History log will track and display all activity on the Accident Dashboard.
Near Miss - Potential Incident or Accident
Creating a new Near Miss Incident, Referencing a Potential Incident or Accident, you will select the Near Miss – Potential Incident or Accident link.
This will take you to the “Creating an – Near Miss” Page.
When selecting “Near Miss” a window will open requiring – Location, Details, and Signature to be completed. The information required would be the same as in the case of an “Incident” as discussed above.
Near Miss - Conditions
The location input box is the same across all types of incidents, see Slide 9. Near Miss Conditions is what sets this type apart.
Here you can select the condition by selecting from a list. Describe the potential problem and provide safety suggestions.
Near Miss – Dashboard
From the main Accident Dashboard, you can see the Near Miss Number (1), view Report (2), Revert Accident To Draft (3), and Archive the Accident (4).
Details relating to the – Near Miss dashboard.
The location input box is the same across all types of incidents. See slide 9. Near Miss Conditions is what sets this type apart.
Ad-Hoc Hazard
Creating a new Ad-Hoc Hazard you will select the Ad-Hoc Hazard link.
This will take you to the “Creating an – Ad- Hoc Hazard” Page.
When selecting “Ad-hoc Hazard” the same process as in “Near Miss” must be followed.
Ad-Hoc Hazard - Hazards
The location input box is the same across all types of incidents. See slide 9. Ad-Hoc Hazards are what sets this type apart.
Here you can select the type of hazard, describe the potential problem and provide safety suggestions. The drop-down allows you to select from a list.
Ad-Hoc Hazard – Dashboard
From the main Ad-Hoc Hazard Dashboard, you can see the Near Miss Number (1), view Report (2), Revert Accident To Draft (3), and Archive the Accident (4).
Details relating to Report overview.
The rest of the Ad-Hoc Hazard dashboard contains Non-Conformance details, Documents and History log.
View Signed Incidents
From your main Incident Management page, click the View Signed Incidents tab shown below.
When selecting “Signed Incidents” a window will open displaying all incidents that have been completed and signed.
View Pending Incidents
From the main Incident page, click View Pending Incidents shown below.
When Selecting “View Pending Incidents” the same facilities as discussed under “View Signed Incidents” will appear allowing you to select incidents awaiting completion and signature.
View Archived Incidents
From the main Incident page, click View Archived Incidents as shown below.
When selecting “View Archived Incidents” the same facilities as discussed under “View Signed Incidents” will appear allowing you to select any incident that has been removed from the system and archived prior to them being completed and signed off.
Incident Investigation
Although there are four types of Incidents reported under incident management, only two are investigated.
“Incident” and “Accident” are Investigated
“Near Miss” and Ad-Hoc Hazard” are managed in terms of Non-conformances.
Incident Investigation Process
Incident Investigation – Document Outputs
Assigning Incident Investigation
From your main Incident Management page, click the View Signed Incident card as shown below.
In case of an incident involving a person the “Control User” will assign the investigator.
Control User can select the incident he or she wishes to allocate to an investigator by selecting the line Item.
From the “Investigator Dashboard” once selected the incident investigator will receive an email to that effect.
Incident Investigation - Dashboard
Click “Investigation Dashboard” icon to start as shown below.
Here the investigator can be selected from a dropdown of all the Incident Investigators.
Click on the pen to select a names from your employee list to add as an investigator and CEO. Select the employee to start your incident investigation
Once you have been allocated and opened the signed report, click on an employee to open the full investigation. Add no use of cell phone while walking on stairs sign.
The Incident Investigation has 6 sections to consider.
Incident Investigation – Details of Treatment
The objective here is to capture all required information regarding details of the Treatment the injured person received. All Non-Compliant selections will be marked as “Findings”.
Incident Investigation – Person Factors
The objective here is to identify any contributing factors arising from the individual, including awareness and experience. All Non-Compliant selections will be marked as “Findings”.
Incident Investigation – Environment Factors
The objective here is to identify any contributing factors arising from the Environment, including weather and accessibility. All Non-Compliant selections will be marked as “Findings”.
Incident Investigation – Job/Task Factors
The objective here is to identify any contributing factors arising from the job or task that was conducted, including training and work knowledge. All Non-Compliant selections will be marked as “Findings”.
Incident Investigation – Equipment Factors
The objective here is to identify any contributing factors arising from equipment or inventory used, including training and engineering controls. All Non-Compliant selections will be marked as “Findings”.
Incident Investigation – Investigation Outcomes
This section relates to outcomes of Incident and where you can log any additional findings as Contributing Factors.
Incident Investigation – Complete Investigation
Once all inputs have been completed, you can click the Complete Investigation Icon shown below.
Incident Investigation – Signatures Required
The assigned Incident Investigator and CEO/Assistant to CEO would now need to sign the incident to proceed.
Incident Investigation – Signed
Once both required parties have signed, you will have access to the Investigation PDF and Investigation Summary PDF as shown below:
Incident Investigation – Incident Costing
Here the Incident Investigator can add costing to the incident. All costs can be logged by clicking the icon shown below.
This will open the Add Incident Expense model. Here you can log expenses by adding the Title, Description, and Cost. Once all input is complete, click Add Incident Expense.
This will only show if all mandatory fields have been completed.
All listed items will be added up, with the Total displayed at the top as shown below.
Incident Investigation – Risk Assessment
From the main Investigation Dashboard, navigate to the Incident Hazard section shown below.
The first step is selecting the Risk Assessment you want to use as source. Only Approved Risk Assessments will show on this list.
Once you have selected the Baseline to use as source, you can select the relevant Event/Task linked to the Incident.
Accident Investigation (VEPI)
A similar process is followed in the Vehicle, Equipment, Property Damage Incident (VEPI) as in previous slides on “Incident Involving a Person”.
Once the incident has been allocated open the “Investigation Dashboard” then click the box “Complete VEPI Investigation”.
On activating the investigation, the window with the requirements to be completed will open and allow you to complete the investigation.
Once all requirements have been completed, the VEPI can be signed.
Signed Incident Process
Injury Management - Dashboard
From the Incident Dashboard, click the Injury Dashboard icon shown below.
Injury Management - Roles
The “Injury Dashboard” is optional for those organisations wishing to effectively manage injured employees. If this option is going to be followed the RTW (Return to Work) Coordinator must be allocated as a role to a user.
Once an RTW Coordinator has been selected click on employee to open and complete the process. This is largely self-explanatory.
Injury Management - Types
Injury Management can be classified into 3 Types: First Aid Incidents, Medical Treatment Incidents, and Lost Time Injuries.
First Aid Incidents
First Aid Incident has 2 Steps to complete, the other two have 12 Steps to complete.
Medical Treatment Incidents, and Lost Time Injuries
Injury Management - Steps
Non-Conformance Management
On your Left Navigation Pane, navigate to Non-Conformance under the Management Tab as shown below. From there you can open the Non-Conformance Register to view a list of all Non-Conformances.
Non-Conformance Management - Register
The Non-Conformance Register will show all potential problems identified through your HSMS, including Incidents.
Non-Conformance Management - Filters
Filters expands your ability to sort data from Register. Here you can specify Region/Ops/Area as well as filters on types/dates/priority.
You can select these to show only yours, as well as to access Completed Register.
Mobile App
Incident Management is also on our offline capable, mobile app. This allows for the reporting of an incident which is then accordingly managed once transferred to the live Safety 360 Elite.
The steps to follow will be addressed in the Mobile app guide.
Incident Management aims to assist system users with reporting, investigating and managing incidents on Safety 360 Elite.
Use this platform to Report anything, anytime, anywhere.